Studies have found that, “70% of the time, family assets are lost from one generation to the next, and assets are gone 90% of the time by the third generation.”

Family Office Services

Family offices originated in the USA. During the second half of the nineteenth century, wealthy families like the Rockefellers and the Whittiers created them to manage their assets.

The original family offices mainly existed to manage property. However, the industry developed rapidly as clients’ needs became increasingly complex, with family offices taking on a more general role overseeing all of a family’s personal and professional assets.

Today, the USA has an estimated 4,000 family offices managing $1,000 billion (source PwC). The industry is less developed in Europe, which accounts for 20% of the market (compared to 75% for the USA). The reasons for this are undoubtedly cultural.


Family offices provide a wide range of services, which differ from one office to another. Services generally reach beyond managing assets (securities portfolios, property, yachts, etc.) to encompass legal services.

What you expect from Family Office
We act as their single Private Office to select the best Private Investments opportunities, to secure strategic Financings, to organize daily Administration tasks, to coordinate the multiple layers of external counsels, banks, and legal structures, to implement their Key Family Projects, and to help defining a meaningful and long-term driven Wealth Strategy & Planning.
Our Family Office service level is uniquely designed with each Entrepreneur’s and Family’s so as to address its priorities and to deliver immediate and lasting time-savings, optimized control and decisions, higher returns on investments, reduced costs, efficient project management, and clarity in the global strategy deployed over time.