Successful Investing is about Managing Risk, not avoiding it.

Wealth management

We provide our clients with highly sophisticated, tailored wealth management services. In particular, we have privileged access to information and services from many highly regarded Swiss and international banks, and work with their vast networks of locations across the world. As independent wealth managers, we are at complete liberty to select the forms and types of investment which best meet the needs of each of our clients, free from any obligation or commitment to any particular depositary bank. Our investment policy focuses on long-term asset growth. We balance the need to preserve capital, achieve returns and manage risk as we select a reasoned portfolio of financial and monetary instruments.
Advisory Mandate
Every client’s story is different. Each one is unique.
In a complex and ever changing financial environment, we will assist you in developing your individual portfolio allocation and investment strategy, making sure your orders are implemented correctly and efficiently. We provide you with regular portfolio analysis (consolidated asset reporting), risk management and independent investment ideas. We believe customized advice and services should be delivered by tenured professionals who are personally familiar with client’s needs and objectives. You will take advantage of our fees negotiation and we will monitor the agreed fee schedules on a permanent basis. Let’s grow together, side by side.
Discretionary Mandate  

We don’t just take on mandates. We take on responsibility.    

Our main objective is to preserve the long-term assets, while continuing to exploit investment opportunities. You can delegate the day-to-day management of your assets to us. We will understand your needs and objectives, your return expectations and your risk carrying capacity. Taking into consideration also other numerous factors such as the amount of your assets, your reference currency, your liquidity needs and your horizon, we will formulate your investment strategy. Our product selection is independent and free of sales objectives. Open architecture research platform ensures access to the best managers and we are not tied to in-house managed funds or products. We will actively manage your assets through a custodian bank of your choice. In terms of fees negotiation, you will benefit from our strong position. We regularly inform you about the performance of your portfolio.